Monday, April 29, 2013

A little of this and a little of that!!

Is this what your week nights look like?

Checking emails..... tracing....cutting....tracing....cutting.....?

Does your desk look like this by lunch time?  I never am surprised at how crazy that thing can attract all types of things!  YIKES!  Mondays.  Ugh.

A simple app I have my kiddos working on is "Making Ten"  I like the simplicity and how it keeps them on task with making 10 using the 10 frame...

Above photo is: Ten Frame Fill

One more app that we like is Friends of Ten

Word Work Apps I like:

Build a Word Express (FREE!)


Free too!!

Hope you had a smooth Monday friends!

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Zero the Hero!

Our math curriculum is Everyday Math, which I like, it offers hands on mini math lesson that are aligned to the common core.  Today was 7.10 "Decade Counting".

We are way great at counting by 10's but we looked at the more visual aspect of it.  We used "First Grade in Foxwell's" zero the hero activity freebie!

Check it out here:

We made them a little different, and the kiddos looooved it!   They were pretending to be zero the hero at the end of the day.  Cute.

Here are some cute ZERO videos:

Just to clarify what ZERO means....

Learning with Mrs. Leebly is having a cool flash giveaway!  Check it out here!

                                               photo image_zps47dec2bd.jpg 

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Friday, April 19, 2013

5 for Friday!

This was quite the week, boy oh boy, Friday I (puffy) heart you!

We went to the zoo today!   The kiddos had a GREAT time!  I had enough chaperones that each parent only had two kiddos!  Wahoo!!   My best advice is.....

1.   PLAN AHEAD.  I had the group list ready and printed out for the chaperones.  Previously sent a note home indicating the details...  And asked them to bring a backpack/bag to carry lunches.   It went great!!!  (Minus the snow, rain, and sleet!) The day of - I had a sheet with important phone numbers, group names, times, etc.


2.  We have been studying the zoo all week!  On Thursday, I had the kiddos research the giraffe.  So Monday-Wed the got to see how to research a elephant, ape, monkey, zebra and then... they went off to work on writing in the computer lab, but doing their own research!  (Was I nervous?  HECK YES! But they did AWESOME!!!!)

3.  Found this awesome kid safe "google"   Check it out!

4.  Here is a freebie for you!!!   I love these!  Stamp It sight word reader!  We studied weather, and learned the word "did".  Check out the book here!


5.   Last but not least....   

Have a fab weekend friends.  Live life to the fullest, be thankful for each day.  Keep doing what you do!!!!

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Carpet Spots = Duck Tape!

Hi friends!   

  Do carpet spots bug you?  

  Are kiddos stepping over and on each other over and over?

  DUCK TAPE FIXES EVERYTHIIINNNGGG!   Even carpet spots!!!!!!!!   Tape rows on your carpet.  MUST advise you use duct tape!  Painters, scotch, etc., all peels away so easily you will be re-taping over and over....   

     Here is what I have set up for 25 kindergartens, including special ed kiddos!  They do AWESOME with it!  There is also a gap in-between the first three rows so we have a runway to the smartboard... works like magic!


Here is a cool freebie for you!   This is my quick math subtraction for their journals/number story books!  


I am hoping for some great weather here in WI!  Snow on Saturday looked like this....

Friday we are going to the zoo for a field trip, no rain or snow puuuhhlleeeaseee!!!  We go rain or shine, or snow in our case!!!

Also - please pray for Boston.  They are heavy in my heart....

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Our week! TGI....S.....

Whoa, talk about a rough Friday.... Have you ever felt nauseous while teaching a full class of Kindergarteners?  Well, Friday was no bueno for Mrs. Schultz (me).  I started feeling sick around noon, then worse and worse each hour.  My 9:00 PM I was hugging the toilet.  EWW....

Okay, up at em' today though, so that was totally weird!! Thank gosh that's all over!

See here a glimpse into some awesome things we have done in my classroom!

We used Kindergarten Faith's subtraction with French Fries.  The kids just loved this!  We are still working hard on subtracting especially fast fact style... can you say wahhhh, I neeeeedd manipulatiiivvvesss!  (Testing fast facts stinks! Some got it though, WAHOO!)

First we made one together:                            Then we had at it!  They did super!!!

We broke out the white board to show our worked...  Common Core baby!

We also used Smedley's Smorgasbord vowel hat but I made the size smaller (in the print options) and they turned out super cute!!

We also had a rainy, cold, yucky week with 3 indoor recesses!  Whaaat?  Usually I would be a little hesitant to cheer like the kiddos do when they hear the announcement for indoor recess, but this week was my duty week, so I was happy to have indoor recess!  (Anyone else on the same page here?)

So with their rosy red checks, and cold toes I put the fire place on...literally, so cute!  I kept hearing "Ohhh, I can feel the heat Mrs. Schultz" and "Ohh turn it up!"  Haha, too cute!!!

Our grades are due soon!  Off to grade, grade, grade!  Check out this freebie by the way!  Real or Nonsense.... Great for early readers that need that check!!

Have a great weekend friends!!

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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Techy Tuesy!

Happy Tuesday friends!  We are back in action in the classroom, and doing wonderful!!  Starting Monday we were back from Spring Break.  This week has been a RAINY and cold week already with two indoor recesses in a row, and I am sure there will be more this week.  Just look at that forecast... yuck!  (But, could I have picked a better week for weather?!)  

So because of this weather I'd love to share my indoor recess savor   It is called "Adventure to Fitness".  My students love this.  They look forward to indoor recess days because they know they might get a chance for adventure to fitness!

Here is how it works:  the episodes on the website are 30 minutes but, they are MOVING, and LEARNING!  It is great!!  Learn about America, the Arctic, Australia, and so so much more!

Check it out here:

My kiddos in action.....

Simply sign up as a teacher, and click on the Teachers Tab, and then check out all of the episodes!  

So many episode to choose from!

Here is a teaser video for you to enjoy!!

You can show just a bit to your class after you sign in, or if you do not feel like signing up but want short videos then check those out here on you tube!

Din din tonight is..... Weight Watchers Taco Pasta Cheesy Style!  Yum in my tum comfort food without the calories!  Check that tacolicious dish out here!

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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Back to School after Break, Peek!

Taking a deeeeep breath, and going back to school tomorrow after our Spring break!  I am excited, and a little anxious at the same time.  I love to see Dee Dee's Peek at her week as I mentioned before here.   I love to see other's weekly schedule too!  Currently, we use Developmental Studies Center's; Becoming a Writer, Making Meaning & Vocabulary program for literacy... so therefore I do not have much room for thematic units, buuuuut.... this is the last Making Meaning story! WAHOO! Now I can implement the FUN STUFF thematic units after this week!  (We also use Sitton Spelling, Everyday Math, and FOSS Science....)

 so here is the link to the google pdf doc! 

I would love to hear how many of you have room to use all the wonderful other TPT resources out there?  Does your school district used an assign curriculum for Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies?

.....on the other side of the blog world.... see this awesome
GIVEAWAY ALERT, it's the FIRST one I am participating in, so I am super pumped about it!!  Danielle just reached 100 followers! :)   Check out the giveaway here!

Have a terrific Sunday Friends!  Can't wait to see how all the fantastic things we blog about this week!

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Friday, April 5, 2013

5 4 Friday!

Usually I am just overjoyed Friday has come, but today I savored every moment of my Friday.  The last day of Spring Break.  It went too faaaaasssst!  Boo!!

Time for Five for Friday...

I have done a lot over break, not as much as I wanted, but I conquered a few of my to do's!

1.  I am a picky person when it comes to shopping for my closet.  Recently, after reading The Small Things Blogs, I found this AWESOME purse!  I love cross-body purses, and I am more in love with helping a great cause.  Put the two together and you get Better Life Bags.  Pick your fabric, style of purse, inside pockets, color, everything!  Check out my new purse.  I am in looove!!  Go check out the site here.  They have such cute things!

Here are some of their other styles:

2.  I got to spend lots of time this week with my nephew!  Today we went to the zoo!  He went on his first train ride, and was just too cute for words.

3.  I added this to my store!  Stamp it Sight Word Reader.  I can't wait to try it with the kiddos next week, and share it with you!  Check it out here!

4.  There are rumors going around Google Reader might be going "bye-bye" as my nephew says.... Danielle posted two great resources that you can check out to think about using!  Here they are!

Last but not least.... 5.  Are you living outside of Wisconsin, if so be THANKFUL.  We have snow in our forecast.  YES I SAID SNOW.  Are you joking.  I. Want. Summer.  (We are all keeping out fingers crossed for just rain!! Please oh please!)


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