Sunday, April 7, 2013

Back to School after Break, Peek!

Taking a deeeeep breath, and going back to school tomorrow after our Spring break!  I am excited, and a little anxious at the same time.  I love to see Dee Dee's Peek at her week as I mentioned before here.   I love to see other's weekly schedule too!  Currently, we use Developmental Studies Center's; Becoming a Writer, Making Meaning & Vocabulary program for literacy... so therefore I do not have much room for thematic units, buuuuut.... this is the last Making Meaning story! WAHOO! Now I can implement the FUN STUFF thematic units after this week!  (We also use Sitton Spelling, Everyday Math, and FOSS Science....)

 so here is the link to the google pdf doc! 

I would love to hear how many of you have room to use all the wonderful other TPT resources out there?  Does your school district used an assign curriculum for Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies?

.....on the other side of the blog world.... see this awesome
GIVEAWAY ALERT, it's the FIRST one I am participating in, so I am super pumped about it!!  Danielle just reached 100 followers! :)   Check out the giveaway here!

Have a terrific Sunday Friends!  Can't wait to see how all the fantastic things we blog about this week!

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  1. Hi Kelly~
    I just found your cute blog through the giveaway that Danielle is having. Yay! So glad to be your newest follower!

    Jen's Kinder Kids

  2. Thanks for sharing about the giveaway, Kelly. So glad you could be a part of it!

    Carolina Teacher

  3. So happy to find you! Love to use technology in the classroom too. I just attended the CUE conference in Palm Springs. It was so fun to hear the latest in technology! I am your newest follower.
    Kindergarten Milestones

    1. Thanks for following Sherry! Technology is sweet!
