Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Techy Tuesy!

Happy Tuesday friends!  We are back in action in the classroom, and doing wonderful!!  Starting Monday we were back from Spring Break.  This week has been a RAINY and cold week already with two indoor recesses in a row, and I am sure there will be more this week.  Just look at that forecast... yuck!  (But, could I have picked a better week for weather?!)  

So because of this weather I'd love to share my indoor recess savor   It is called "Adventure to Fitness".  My students love this.  They look forward to indoor recess days because they know they might get a chance for adventure to fitness!

Here is how it works:  the episodes on the website are 30 minutes but, they are MOVING, and LEARNING!  It is great!!  Learn about America, the Arctic, Australia, and so so much more!

Check it out here:

My kiddos in action.....

Simply sign up as a teacher, and click on the Teachers Tab, and then check out all of the episodes!  

So many episode to choose from!

Here is a teaser video for you to enjoy!!

You can show just a bit to your class after you sign in, or if you do not feel like signing up but want short videos then check those out here on you tube!

Din din tonight is..... Weight Watchers Taco Pasta Cheesy Style!  Yum in my tum comfort food without the calories!  Check that tacolicious dish out here!

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  1. Thanks for reminding me that I need to look further into Adventure in Fitness. I signed up a few months back but totally put it in the back of my mind. Dinner looks delish, by the way! Want to send leftovers my way? :)

    It's "OWL" Good in Kindergarten

  2. Yes, especially with our weather! Enjoy! The recipe looks pretty easy! I'll save some though!! haha :-)

  3. Awesome! We have an indoor recess scheduled on Friday (not for weather reasons) so this will be the PERFECT thing to do! Thank you for sharing!
    I am having a classroom photos linky party this week, I hope you can join me!
    Kindergarten Schmindergarten
