Saturday, April 13, 2013

Our week! TGI....S.....

Whoa, talk about a rough Friday.... Have you ever felt nauseous while teaching a full class of Kindergarteners?  Well, Friday was no bueno for Mrs. Schultz (me).  I started feeling sick around noon, then worse and worse each hour.  My 9:00 PM I was hugging the toilet.  EWW....

Okay, up at em' today though, so that was totally weird!! Thank gosh that's all over!

See here a glimpse into some awesome things we have done in my classroom!

We used Kindergarten Faith's subtraction with French Fries.  The kids just loved this!  We are still working hard on subtracting especially fast fact style... can you say wahhhh, I neeeeedd manipulatiiivvvesss!  (Testing fast facts stinks! Some got it though, WAHOO!)

First we made one together:                            Then we had at it!  They did super!!!

We broke out the white board to show our worked...  Common Core baby!

We also used Smedley's Smorgasbord vowel hat but I made the size smaller (in the print options) and they turned out super cute!!

We also had a rainy, cold, yucky week with 3 indoor recesses!  Whaaat?  Usually I would be a little hesitant to cheer like the kiddos do when they hear the announcement for indoor recess, but this week was my duty week, so I was happy to have indoor recess!  (Anyone else on the same page here?)

So with their rosy red checks, and cold toes I put the fire place on...literally, so cute!  I kept hearing "Ohhh, I can feel the heat Mrs. Schultz" and "Ohh turn it up!"  Haha, too cute!!!

Our grades are due soon!  Off to grade, grade, grade!  Check out this freebie by the way!  Real or Nonsense.... Great for early readers that need that check!!

Have a great weekend friends!!

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1 comment:

  1. I've put up a fireplace DVD on the SMART Board for my kiddos too! They loved it! The comment about "feeling the heat" was so cute!

    :) Sarah
    First Grade Buddies
