Friday, April 5, 2013

5 4 Friday!

Usually I am just overjoyed Friday has come, but today I savored every moment of my Friday.  The last day of Spring Break.  It went too faaaaasssst!  Boo!!

Time for Five for Friday...

I have done a lot over break, not as much as I wanted, but I conquered a few of my to do's!

1.  I am a picky person when it comes to shopping for my closet.  Recently, after reading The Small Things Blogs, I found this AWESOME purse!  I love cross-body purses, and I am more in love with helping a great cause.  Put the two together and you get Better Life Bags.  Pick your fabric, style of purse, inside pockets, color, everything!  Check out my new purse.  I am in looove!!  Go check out the site here.  They have such cute things!

Here are some of their other styles:

2.  I got to spend lots of time this week with my nephew!  Today we went to the zoo!  He went on his first train ride, and was just too cute for words.

3.  I added this to my store!  Stamp it Sight Word Reader.  I can't wait to try it with the kiddos next week, and share it with you!  Check it out here!

4.  There are rumors going around Google Reader might be going "bye-bye" as my nephew says.... Danielle posted two great resources that you can check out to think about using!  Here they are!

Last but not least.... 5.  Are you living outside of Wisconsin, if so be THANKFUL.  We have snow in our forecast.  YES I SAID SNOW.  Are you joking.  I. Want. Summer.  (We are all keeping out fingers crossed for just rain!! Please oh please!)


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  1. I don't think we can ever get all of our "To-Do's" done as teachers! We just keep adding things to get done. Have a nice end to your Spring Break.
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  2. I love your blog! I just found it through Carolina Teacher's giveaway! I am your newest follower ;)

    Mindful Rambles

    1. Hi Rae! Thanks for checking out the blog and being a follower!!!

