Monday, June 3, 2013

Maniac Monday!

Hello?  Anyone there?  Yes I am!  This month has been crazy busy.  From testing PALS, MAPS, & Running Records, and now onto report cards I am so ready to check out - and I am sure my kiddos are too!  They are doing a great job!

We also had our end of the year kindergarten program, and my Mom's surprise 60th which all went great!!

So I have my reasons right?!!

Here is a new way to show off your cool QR codes:  so neat!

How funky is that?

There are so many apps out there, but what does what?  Here is a nice flow chart to break it down.... Even I found this super useful!!

That's it for now - off to make dinner!  Tonight it is Beef and Snow Peas:  here is the recipe!  Have a great Monday folks!

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