Tuesday, June 4, 2013

iPad App Visual!

Just wanted to stop by and give you a quick tip on iPad app management.    I always had the problem of find all of these great apps, and then having to add them to the home screen or a folder, so then kids knew what to use, but still at the mercy of them opening, closing, opening, closing...repeat...repeat.... so enter iiiinnnnn..... iPad choice board!

 photo ipad_zps9e9c63d4.jpg

It's amazing!  I just print a screen shot of the app, add it to the right section (we do Word Work, Read to Self and Math)  Velcro and then waalaaahh!  or wuhlah?  hmm.  either way, it works pretty smoothly even for Kindergarten!  :)

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1 comment:

  1. This is such a fabulous idea! I know wish I had Ipads to use in my classroom.

    I nominated you for Liebster Award!

    It's "OWL" Good in Kindergarten
