Friday, June 28, 2013

Five For Friday!

It has been too long, so I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Five for Friday!!

I started teaching summer school on Monday.  It was hard getting right back into teaching, but the kiddos that are there need my support!  Push on!!  (next week is only 3 days, phew!!)

Summerfest is upon us that live here in Wisconsin... I love music!! Can't wait to catch a few bands like Empire of the Sun, and MGMT next week!  Wahoo!!

I spent 4 days in Nashville for a wedding.  We had such a great time being tourist.  I would highly recommend a visit there!

My end of the year gifts turned out fab!  I was thinking of just doing the crazy cup/straw with kool-aid and a note....

but then I went for a slideshow too! The kiddos and parents absolutely loved it.  I would do this every year now.  It brings tears to my eyes!

Lastly - please follow me using bloglovin!  It's the newest fad!!!

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Thanks for stopping by!!
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  1. I did slideshows for my kids and they loved them!

    I also enjoyed visiting Nashville when we went a few years back.

    - Pam
    Moments to Teach

  2. Love those end of the year gifts. They turned out adorable! I was thinking of going to Summerfest to see Imagine Dragons, but now that I don't leave within walking distance, I don't know if I want to deal with the craziness of parking around there.

    It's "OWL" Good in Kindergarten

  3. I just discovered your blog through "Live, Laugh, I Love Kindergarten"...I saw that you are from Wisconsin as well and had to come and say hello! Your end of the year gifts are adorable!

    - Katy

    PS- I am your newest follower on bloglovin! :)
