Friday, May 17, 2013

Five For Friday!

Oh boy what a week!  If you saw my previous post I slammed my fingers in my car door so I am dealing with some pain and it doesn't make it easy!  But in the scheme of things I will survive!!!  (I feel like breaking out in song...haha)

My Five For Friday!

1.  We have started our count down of the ABC's and the kids are LOVING it!  Today we had Q and U together to celebrate their wedding!  Yeah!!!

When they came in....

Welcome All!!!  (I played Cannon in D while they walked in...) :)


Their wedding cake!

Dance time!  Let's learn the square dance (qu word!)

2.  My fingers, they hurt.  I waited and waited to go to urgent care.... I am very anxious about doctors!  But I went and it's still in pain...  No major surgery needed, hehe.

3.  18 days left of school!  18!!!

4.  I finished PALS and MAP testing.  WAHOOO!!  I am so proud of my Kinders!!  One more round of running records to go, well, and then report cards.... Anyone else in the same testing boat?

5.  TGIF.  I am happy the weekend is here and I can regroup myself with my hubby and my puppy.  I am thankful for my little family....

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  1. I have never heard of the Q & U wedding idea! That is adorable!


    Fluttering In First

    1. It was a blast!! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Our kindergarteners have their Q & U wedding next week. I LOVE how they all dress up for the occasion! Congrats on finishing up your testing!

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  3. This is adorable! We learned to square dance at school when I was little but of course, we needed a real person. Fun, Fun!
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

    1. I cannot dance to save my life, I swear!

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    1. Whoops, meant to say: I found you through the WI blog link up. I'm your newest follower! Love your blog name!

      Amy @ The Littlest Superheroes
