Friday, June 28, 2013

Five For Friday!

It has been too long, so I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Five for Friday!!

I started teaching summer school on Monday.  It was hard getting right back into teaching, but the kiddos that are there need my support!  Push on!!  (next week is only 3 days, phew!!)

Summerfest is upon us that live here in Wisconsin... I love music!! Can't wait to catch a few bands like Empire of the Sun, and MGMT next week!  Wahoo!!

I spent 4 days in Nashville for a wedding.  We had such a great time being tourist.  I would highly recommend a visit there!

My end of the year gifts turned out fab!  I was thinking of just doing the crazy cup/straw with kool-aid and a note....

but then I went for a slideshow too! The kiddos and parents absolutely loved it.  I would do this every year now.  It brings tears to my eyes!

Lastly - please follow me using bloglovin!  It's the newest fad!!!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Thanks for stopping by!!
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

iPad App Visual!

Just wanted to stop by and give you a quick tip on iPad app management.    I always had the problem of find all of these great apps, and then having to add them to the home screen or a folder, so then kids knew what to use, but still at the mercy of them opening, closing, opening, closing...repeat...repeat.... so enter iiiinnnnn..... iPad choice board!

 photo ipad_zps9e9c63d4.jpg

It's amazing!  I just print a screen shot of the app, add it to the right section (we do Word Work, Read to Self and Math)  Velcro and then waalaaahh!  or wuhlah?  hmm.  either way, it works pretty smoothly even for Kindergarten!  :)

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Monday, June 3, 2013

Maniac Monday!

Hello?  Anyone there?  Yes I am!  This month has been crazy busy.  From testing PALS, MAPS, & Running Records, and now onto report cards I am so ready to check out - and I am sure my kiddos are too!  They are doing a great job!

We also had our end of the year kindergarten program, and my Mom's surprise 60th which all went great!!

So I have my reasons right?!!

Here is a new way to show off your cool QR codes:  so neat!

How funky is that?

There are so many apps out there, but what does what?  Here is a nice flow chart to break it down.... Even I found this super useful!!

That's it for now - off to make dinner!  Tonight it is Beef and Snow Peas:  here is the recipe!  Have a great Monday folks!

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