Saturday, January 18, 2014

# recognition, subtraction, and freebie!

Every time I see 2014, I am like, whaa?  Where did 2013 go!  SO FAST!  Still cannot believe this school year is half over already.... it's flown by!  But I also think I say that every year, don't you?

With that said, my kiddos loved this little activity of number recognition.  The best part is (shhh!) they didn't even know they were learning!   I gave each of them a mini post it note with a number 11-30 on it.  I told them I am no longer Mrs. Schultz, then I turned around, and presented.... Mrs. 24!  Yes!  The kiddos giggled so much, I knew they would looove this.  I gave them their numbered post-it notes, and told them to lean and tell their partners their numbers, after that stand up, and put your "name number tag" on.  Then we would walk around the room and met our NEW classmates.... 

"Hi Mrs. 14!" shaking hands with another student, "Hey Mr. 19!"  and then they would walk partner to partner meeting new friends....

Then I said FREEEEZE!!!  Students would freeze, switch the post its with the person they are closest to, and go around and meet their brand new friends again!  A quick, fun movement activity!    They asked me to play it 4 more times already!!

We studied penguins last week, in honor I made a color by sight word penguin!

Cute penguin subtraction game online

Have a great weekend!  I hope you are having better weather than here in Wisconsin, I am in winter sadness mode currently.   I miss summer.  Boo.


  1. Oh my word Kelly, I love the number activity! You are a genius! I'm so "borrowing" this idea and doing it for everything. What a perfect brain break activity.

    It's "OWL" Good in Kindergarten

    1. ahh! thanks so much Erin! I am so glad you could stop by! LOVE your freebie you just posted to! Hope you are surfing Wisco's weather!!!!!
