Friday, November 15, 2013


Hello all!  Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday, because I am so ecstatic it's Friday!  That was one LONG week...

1.  Snow on Monday...  (Do you know what that does to 22 kinders?!?!)

2.  Tuesday our power and heat went out for 2 hours....  (again do you know what that does to 22 kinders?!)

3.  Wednesday - no drama!  So {here} is my freebie to you!!   These turkey legs go with Mr. Greg's turkey shake me literacy center.  So cute!  Cut out, put into a jar, shake it up literacy center is done!  I used candy corn instead of corn :-)...

4.  Thursday we practiced our safety drill, yay for no crying!   Sitting in a closet with kids quietly for 15 minutes is always interesting...

5.  And today is Friday!  Whoo hoo!  Friday's we always go to the computer lab, and I found this awesome website for the kiddos!  It's called "Teach your monster to read".  The kids had a BLAST.  The only negative thing is that the website is based from Europe so there is a slight accent, but I think the kids liked that!   Enjoy the site!  I LOVE IT!

Adios friends!  PJs, a glass of wine, pizza, and DVR are calling my name.  Ahhh....  I hope you all have a fabulous, stress free, relaxing weekend!!!

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