Sunday, November 24, 2013

Peek at My Week!

Fast week coming up!  I hope everyone has a wonderful, quick school week, and slow Thankgiving break.  Enjoy your family time!

Linking up with Dee Dee!  Love her weekly plans!  Check them out here if you already haven't!

Here (click here for the google doc) are my 2 and a half day plans!   On Wednesday K-2 will be celebrating with a "feast"!  We are making butter and cornbread... Can't wait!

 We have been working hard on making our Thanksgiving books check those out here:

Friday, November 15, 2013


Hello all!  Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday, because I am so ecstatic it's Friday!  That was one LONG week...

1.  Snow on Monday...  (Do you know what that does to 22 kinders?!?!)

2.  Tuesday our power and heat went out for 2 hours....  (again do you know what that does to 22 kinders?!)

3.  Wednesday - no drama!  So {here} is my freebie to you!!   These turkey legs go with Mr. Greg's turkey shake me literacy center.  So cute!  Cut out, put into a jar, shake it up literacy center is done!  I used candy corn instead of corn :-)...

4.  Thursday we practiced our safety drill, yay for no crying!   Sitting in a closet with kids quietly for 15 minutes is always interesting...

5.  And today is Friday!  Whoo hoo!  Friday's we always go to the computer lab, and I found this awesome website for the kiddos!  It's called "Teach your monster to read".  The kids had a BLAST.  The only negative thing is that the website is based from Europe so there is a slight accent, but I think the kids liked that!   Enjoy the site!  I LOVE IT!

Adios friends!  PJs, a glass of wine, pizza, and DVR are calling my name.  Ahhh....  I hope you all have a fabulous, stress free, relaxing weekend!!!