Friday, September 13, 2013

Five For Friday!

I have completed my first FULL week of school, and man was I exhausted every single night.  YAWN!  Is it 8:30...can I go to sleep...puhhlease?!

1.  I finished my first full week, as I stated above, haha... but I am so happy!  It was a rough start, and I forget that every year how much work it truly is.  I hate to sound like a broken record but, whoa!  They come a long way!!  Kindergarteners are very dependent on their teachers...but I have so much faith that they will go to the moon and back by then end of the year.

2.  I loved (this letter) that a Mom from Sandy's Hook terrible tragedy wrote.  Kudos to her.  Thank you.

3.  Fall is kicking in here in Wisconsin!  I am wearing socks, pants, and a hoodie!  I love this weather!

4.  I loved having all my forms for open house in a folder with a checklist on the front of what parents should have ready at the beginning of the year.  Must. Do. Every. Year.

5.  We live very close to a little waterpark in a park...  At the end of the year after the kiddos have swam they allow any and every dog to come in for the doggie swim!  Our pup Max LOVED it!

I hope your weekend is filled with relaxation, recuperation, fun, family, and sleep!  Ahh!!  Goodnight everyone!  (Go Packers!)

1 comment:

  1. Fall started to arrive here in Michigan today, too! Ahhh...Welcome cool nights! Your dog is adorable!
    Owl Things First
