Friday, July 19, 2013

Favorite Pin Friday!!

I am linking up with one of my favorite blogs.... First Grade Parade...

Love this idea for guided reading seats in my classroom:

How about some fruit loops?

I have loved this pin since day 1.  I use it now every day in my guided reading groups.  Goodbye magnetic letters, shuffling through bags, etc., time for post it notes!!

Random Home:   Love this organizing idea for tank tops!!


my first pin=

Check out my pins here!!   Later dudes!

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Great Giveaway!!

Awesome giveaway!!   I love her site, just nominated her for the Liebster Award.  Check out her giveaway here:

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Monday, July 15, 2013

It's okay to sit! But I'm also Jumping for Joy!

Hey folks!  I am in that mode where if I sit too long around the house guilt starts to weigh me down....  My head says.... "No Kelly, get up, get outside, check off that to do list!" and the other hand it's saying; "So tired, take a nap, relax...."

What to do!!  Well, I have been teaching summer reading support to Kindergartens going into first grade Monday - Friday 8:00-12:00, I usually come home eat lunch and then do errands, work out, etc.  But summer is treating me really well.   I need to get my butt in gear (or not) and get blogging more!

Then along come Erin from It's "OWL" good in Kindergarten.  She is great, a fellow Wisconsin blogger, and has some sweet stuff!  She left a comment on my blog saying she was nomination me, yes me, who me? yeah?  WHAT? for the Liebster award!

Here are the rules that go along with the Liebster Award:
- Link back to the blog that nominated you.
- Nominate 5 to 11 blogs that have less than 200 followers.
- Answer the questions posted to you from your nominator.
- Share 11 random facts about yourself.
- Create 11 questions for your nominees.
- Contact your nominees via a comment or an email.

Here we go!  These are the questions that Erin had for me:

1.  What made you decide to become a teacher?
      I started working at a camp when I was 15.  I loved helping, teaching and working with children.  It didn't feel like "work" at all!!!
2.  What is your favorite subject/skill to teach?
       I love to teach readers workshop and integrate technology!
3.  If you could take a trip anywhere, where would you go?
       Australia and New Zealand
4.  What is one school supply that you must have?
         Skinny dry erase markers
5.  What song(s) get you through the day?
          Love listening to Kings of Leon in my own time.... 
6.  How would you describe a perfect teaching day?
        No kids absent, no missing folders, no kiddos are sick, we are all on task during daily 5/whole group time and math centers.  And I would see the lightbulb go off!  Everyone leaving with a smile on their face too!! :)
7.  If you could teach any grade, what would it be and why?
           I love Kindergarten and First Grade.  Both are wonderful ages!
8.  What is your favorite book?  (children's or adult)
           This is a tricky one!  Hmm... I love reading to the kiddos, especially books like; Pete the Cat, Eric Carle books, and Rainbow Fish.
9.  What is the one thing you wish you could change in education?
10.  How long have you been teaching?
          I will be starting my 5th year!  It has flew by!  Feels like yesterday I just started!
11.  What made you decide to start a blog?
         I started with pinterest and posted pictures, and then people kept asking me how I made this or that, I thought I should blog to share easily!  

Kinder Loves

Sarah @  Clearly Kindergarten 

Mrs. Gloudeman's  @ Behind the Scenes

Miss Mindy @ kindergarten kidlets


Rachel @ Pencils and Chalk

What made you start want to blog?

Tell about your family...

What is your middle name?

What's the first thing you do when you walk into your classroom?

What grades have you taught?

Do you have any pets?

What is the funniest thing a student has said to you?

What is one teacher's tool you cannot live without?

How did you know you wanted to be a teacher?

Favorite children's book is...

Favorite music is...

opps - i forgot my 11 random facts!
1. i am the youngest of three
2. i have two older brothers
3. i used to teach snowboarding lessons
4. i was a lifeguard at a camp when I met my husband
5. i wish i could live on a lake
6.  i have a yellow lab
7. i lived in england for a year
8. i have traveled to Africa
9. my brother is very talented!
10.  I am 5'10"
11.  i wish i could travel to Australia and new Zealand   

P.S. anyone else wishing they were in Vegas for the I teach K!?  My news feed on Facebook and Blogger are blowing up.  I am jealous!!

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